Participation Requirements


The athletic program is open to all boys and girls registered in the K grade through 8th grade at St. Linus School. Athletes must adhere to the St. Linus Extra-Curricular Activity Policy as stated in the School Handbook. 

Students enrolled in the St. Linus Religious Education program are allowed to participate on a case by case, sport by sport, basis (subject to availability). Religious Education participants must also meet specific rules set by the Southside Catholic Conference that pertain to Religious Education participation/eligibility. All questions for this compliance are addressed by the Athletic Board President.

In order to be eligible for participation, an athlete must:

Forms (Student Athletes)

This form is mandatory and needs to be submitted to the School Office in order to play sports going forward.

This form is to be submitted after your player has suffered a concussion and has medical clearance to play sports again.

Please submit this form to the SLAC box at the rectory.

Forms (Coaches)


All families who participate in any St. Linus sport during the school year must participate in our mandatory fundraising raffle. Each family must sell at least one $100 raffle ticket per year.

More details on the raffle, prizes and drawing.


To support equal participation across St. Linus Athlete families and staff athletic events the following volunteer requirements must be met per family for each sport season in which you have a child participating in St. Linus Athletics.

Families of children participating in St. Linus Athletics are required to volunteer for 8 hours a season to support staffing our athletic events.

Volunteer Fee

Volunteer Sign Up

Shift Cancellation

Volunteer Exemptions